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12.5 tonne does not always equal 12.5 tonne when it comes to load class

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It is essential to ensure the gratings specified in your facility can cope with the loads to which they will be subjected but there is still a great deal of confusion among specifiers about what load class ratings (or standards) their gratings need to satisfy.

Gratings manufactured to meet EN 1253 or EN 1433 appear to have the same tolerance to load – but that’s not in fact the case.

EN 1433 applies to products which will be used in car parks, pedestrian areas and routes which are subject to vehicle traffic with large pneumatic tyres. As a result, when a product is tested to EN 1433, a 12.5 tonne load (for example) is applied to a larger area than it is if the product is tested in accordance with EN 1253.

In contrast, EN 1253, applies to products that will be used in buildings which experience forklift vehicle traffic with small rubber tires and the 12.5 tonne load is applied over a relatively small area such as where a wheel contacts the grating. As a result, a grating which has a load class of 12.5 tonne under EN 1433 would be damaged, if not destroyed, when used in an area which has vehicle traffic which includes forklifts and pallet trucks.

For more detailed specification guidance regarding gratings, load classes and any other aspect of your drainage system design, please contact the ACO team who will be happy to provide advice and guidance for your individual project requirements.