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COCA-COLA, Ethiopia

Head-quartered in Atlanta, Georgia, The Coca-Cola Company is an historic, American company. A multi-national beverage corporation, it manufactures, retails and markets non-alcoholic drink concentrates and syrups, and is best known for its flagship product Coca-Cola.
Invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton of Columbus, Georgia, Coca-Cola was first bottled in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa in 1959. Today, the company operates its own bottling business - Coca-Cola Refreshments, in north-America.
In Africa, it has recently launched its Replenish Africa Initiative’s Multiple Use Water Improvements project, something with which ACO is proud to be involved.

ACO Products

  • ACO modular box channel 200
  • ACO hygienic ladder grating
  • ACO pipe
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Project nameCoca-Cola Ethiopia
City of installationAddis Ababa
Country of installationEthiopia
Commissioning date2014
ACO sales organizationACO Systems SA
SegmentFood & Beverage Production
SubsegmentFood & Beverage Production - Soft drinks